March 7, 2012

Get Your Homemade Cookies in the Spotlight

Another way to gain more exposure for your B&B- share a recipe and add a photo! A third of the visitors that go to BBOnline view our recipe section! So if you have a photo of your recipe that's even better and chances of you getting featured are higher.
We will be featuring three delicious cookie recipes in the April Inngoer's Newsletter.
How to Add Recipes to your Listing:
1) Log into your account: 
2) Click on Recipes
3) Add Recipe

4) Give your Recipe a name and begin entering the ingredients and steps to make your food item


5) IMPORTANT: Be sure to add a photo under "Add/Edit Image" and click on the "My Featured Recipe" option in order to add your recipe in the drawing to be featured on our homepage & newsletter!

6) Select a category for your recipe so it can be found easily!
Reminder: Pinterest users love pinning recipes... see What is Pinterest? for more information.