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Jim's Stuffed French Toast

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4 cups country French bread, cut into 3/4–inch cubes
6 ounces cream cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
3 eggs
1/2 cup half-and-half
1/8 cup real maple syrup
3 tablespoons butter, melted

Layer half of the bread cubes in the bottom of a 1-quart buttered glass casserole dish. Scatter cream cheese cubes evenly over bread cubes. Cover with the remaining bread cubes. Mix eggs, half-and-half, maple syrup and melted butter. Drizzle over bread/cream cheese mixture. Cover and refrigerate overnight or at least 6 hours. Bake, uncovered, in 350-degree oven for 50-60 minutes until tops of cubes are golden brown and egg mixture is set. Serve with berry sauce (recipe follows) and maple syrup.

Yield: 2 – 3 servings.
